25,November, 2018 Current Affairs - Daily Current Affairs
2018 Current Affairs - Daily Current Affairs
Which IIT researchers developed smartphone-based system
to detect adulteration in milk?
Answer: Option D
IIT-Hyderabad researchers developed
smartphone-based system to detect adulteration in milk.
Which country launches its second earth observation
satellite Mohammed VI-B?
Answer: Option D
Morocco launches its second earth observation
satellite Mohammed VI-B.
Which of these cities is the venue of 12th World
Congress on Mountain Medicine?
Answer: Option B
The 12th World Congress on Mountain Medicine 2018
has started in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal on November 21. The theme of 4
day congress is "Mountain Medicine in the Heart of the Himalayas".
The biennial event mainly focuses on science and research aspects of high
altitude medicine. It will also include practical workshops related to
trekking, expedition medicine and clinical education. More than 400
participants from 40 countries, including India, China, Japan, USA, England
and Italy are attending the congress. The flagship event of the International
Society for Mountain Medicine (ISMM) is being held first time in Nepal and
hosted by Mountain Medicine Society of Nepal.
Sandeep Michael, who passed away recently, was the
noted player of which sports?
Answer: Option C
Sandeep Michael (37), the former international
hockey player, has passed away in Bangaluru, Karnataka on 23 November 2018.
Which state has topped the highest employability rate,
as per latest India Skills Report 2019
Answer: Option A
As per 6th edition of India Skills Report 2019,
Andhra Pradesh has topped the list of states with the highest employability
followed by Rajasthan and Haryana. The report stated that around 70% of the
youth face problem due to lack of professional guidance in finding desirable
jobs that worth their skills. The report also highlights the fact that from
FMCG to startups, every industry offers paid or unpaid internship programmes
to youth.
Who has been appointed as the first 'Youth Advocate' of
the northeastern region by the UNICEF to fight for child rights?
Answer: Option D
Popular singer Nahid Afrin of Assam has been
appointed as the first 'Youth Advocate' of the northeastern region by the
UNICEF to fight for child rights.
Who heads the Cabinet committee on Economic Affairs?
Answer: Option B
The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs, headed
by the Prime Minister of India.
Which country to host 50th Union World Conference on
Lung Health in 2019?
Answer: Option C
India will host the 50th edition of Union World
Conference on Lung Health 2019 in Hyderabad from October 30 to November 2.
The conference theme 'Ending the Emergency: Science, Leadership, Action'
resonates with TB, but it will also raises awareness on all threats to lung
health, including air pollution and tobacco abuse.
Which filmmaker is the recipient of Lifetime
Achievement Award at the 49th International Film Festival of India (IFFI)
Answer: Option A
Israeli filmmaker Dan Wolman has been honoured
with the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 49th edition of the International
Film Festival of India (IFFI) 2018 in Panaji, Goa on November 20th 2018.
Which Indian organisation has developed a new
technology 'Impact Based Forecasting Approach' to monitor impact of rain
& deal with natural disasters?
Answer: Option C
The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has
developed a new technology to assess the rise of water level in rivers and
reservoirs by rain. The technology, called 'Impact Based Forecasting
Approach', which shows pre-event scenario, can help state governments to
minutely monitor the impact of rain and take real-time decisions
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